Greetings! This August I had the opportunity to paint an original classroom mural at Meadowlark Middle School in Winston-Salem, NC. This was a donated work for my very own classroom. I wanted to create a piece that would welcome my students into their art space, inspire their works, and maybe make them smile. There were several design versions of this piece I worked out in my sketchbook before I decided on this particular geometric design. Shapes don't intimidate people like realism. Someone sees any shape and they think, "I could paint that." And that is exactly what I want my students to realize. They can paint, draw, sculpt, collage, and create their own art with a little practice, effort, and imagination. As I was completing this piece a staff member happened to pass by my room and say, Wow! That painting makes me happy." When art can do that, is there a better compliment? I think not. Thank you for reading my blog and, thank you for your interest in my art! HAPPY PAINTING!